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Alfred Bradley The Scatterbrained Scarecrow Of Oz UK Promo 2-LP vinyl set

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ALFRED BRADLEY The Scatterbrained Scarecrow Of Oz (1982 UK BBC Transcription Library three sided double LP featuring a sequel to Frank L. Baum's classic Wizard of Oz in six parts with ex-Dr. Who assistant Wendy Padbury as Dorothy, the fourth side being a marvellous BBC Transcription Library etching. These discs were part of the Nimbus pressing archive acquired from a former Executive of the company, so were effectively test pressings at Nimbus and have therefore been played once at the most CN3990/S)
See 'More Info' for cast details ...

The Scatterbrained Scarecrow of Oz by Alfred Bradley

A sequel to the famous story bv Frank L. Baum.

Accompanied by his friends Dorothy, The Tin Man and The Cowardly Lion; The Scarecrow, who became ruler of the Land of Oz after the Wizard retired, sets off to find the Wicked Witch of the North who has stolen his brains and intends to take over the Emerald City.

Music written by Ronnie Bridges
Lyrics by Brenda Johnson and Alfred Bradley
Directed hy Alfred Bradley for BBC Manchester

The Cast:
Dorothy: Wendy Padbury
The Scarecrow: Christopher Godwin
The Lion: Brian Murphy
The Tin Man: David Beames
Aunt E: Carole Hayman
Wicked Witch of the North: Carole Hayman
Uncle Henry: Ronald Herdman
Wizard of OZ: Ronald Herdman
Brat, the Witch's son: Freddie Lees
Witch's cat: Vivienne Dixon
Glinda the Good: Vivienne Dixon
Guardian of the Gates: Frank Elliott
Music Man: Frank Elliott
Kay. the Queen of the Kaleidoscope: Susan Tracy
The Spirit of Midnight: Malcolm Hebden

Artist - Alfred Bradley (click link for complete listing)
Title - The Scatterbrained Scarecrow Of Oz (click link for more of the same title)
Promo - This item is a Promotional Item - Promos or ‘advance’ pressings differ to final or commercial releases, and are often unique. Typically sent to record stores, radio stations and DJs to market the artist, music, or both.
Year of Release - 1982
Format - 2-LP vinyl record set (Double LP Album)
Record Label - BBC Transcription Services
Catalogue No - CN3990/S (click link for more)
Country of Origin - United Kingdom (UK)
Language - Regardless of country of origin all tracks are sung in English, unless otherwise stated in our description.
Additional info - Deleted
Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) - 5053201208527
Condition - This item is in Excellent condition or better (unless it says otherwise in the above description). We buy items as close to Mint condition as possible and many will be unplayed and as close to new as you could hope to find. Irrespective of the source, all of our collectables meet our strict grading and are 100% guaranteed. Click here for more info. Ref No - 47I2LTH798284

Author, Broadcaster, Childrens, Library, Male Solo, Spoken Word, Theatre & Musicals, Writer / Novelist.

Email - to contact our sales team. Reference Number - 47I2LTH798284

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