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Various-Dance GU Mixed UK 4-CD set

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VARIOUS GU Mixed (2007 UK Global Underground limited edition 69-track 4-CD set comprising two discs of new music from Danny Tenaglia, UNKLE, Gabriel + Dresden, Slam and Bent. Also includes a disc of classic tracks from Sasha, Prefab Sprout, The Future Sound Of London and more plus an unmixed disc including exclusive tracks by Dark Globe with Boy George, Trafik, Ashtrax and Pako & Frederik. The discs are housed in a 10" x 11" card picture sleeve - still sealed in original stickeredshrinkwrap GUMIX1CDX)

1. An - DJ Tom/Trentemoller Evening with Bobi Bros.
2. Island Groove Remix) Dibiza - Danny Tenaglia (Island Groove Remix
3. Your Body Remix) Lovin - Jay Leblone/Funk d'Void (Your Body Remix
4. Sheshi Lounging - Anil Chawla/Dave Anderson
5. The - Angel Moraes Operatah
6. Another Man - Eric Borgo/Oxia/Eric Borgo Vs Oxia (Daniel Stefanik Mix)
7. Harmonize - Spirit Catcher
8. Magical - Gamma Rox
9. Superflyin - Cubic (Francesco Farfa Mix)
10. Noir Remix) Twelve - Arias (Noir Remix
11. Music from the Heart - Oliver Koletzki
12. Genesis - D-Dub
13. Mal Funktion - Emjae
14. Philipe De Boyar Remix) Shake It - Dom Almond/Vanessa (Philipe de Boyar Remix
15. Manga - Saul B/Leo Girardi/Saul B Vs. Leo Girardi
16. Play Paul Club Mix) Razorblade - Coburn (Play Paul Club Mix
17. M Factor Vocal) Witchi Tai To - X-Press 2 (M Factor Vocal mix
18. Superbass Remix) Waiting for You - Bent (Superb Ass Remix
19. Junkie LX Remix) Burn My Shadow - UNKLE (Junkie XL Remix

1. Pt. 1 - Slam (Part 1) Azure
2. Stereovox Remix) Rockbottom - Zdar/Ltzenkirchen (Stereovox Remix
3. School of Thought - Kevin Swain
4. Warm Milk - James Talk
5. Female - Santos
6. Stel Remix) Indestructible - Trafik (Stel Remix
7. Big Rooms Bigger Tunes - Stu Hirst
8. D-Nox And Beckers Remix) Xcellr8 - Rodolfo Wehbba (D-Nox and Beckers Remix
9. Mexico Can Wait - Roland Klinkenberg/DJ Remy
10. Winter - Aril Brikha
11. Saturn - Sebastien Leger
12. Perspective - R?x Mndi
13. Jade - Spectre
14. C U Next Tuesday - Bleach Eatin Pimps (Eric Kupper Mix)
15. Trey Crasseux Mix) C U Next Tuesday - Bleach Eatin Pimps (Trey Crasseux Mix
16. Blackbox - Jim Rivers
17. Jim Rivers Remix) New Path - Jan Burton/Gabriel & Dresden (Jim Rivers Remix
18. Patchwork Guilt - Paul Hartnoll

1. The Future Sound Of London Mix) If You Don't Love Me - Prefab Sprout (The Future Sound of London Mix
2. Open Your Mind - Last Rhythm
3. One High - Soundsource (Bump Remix)
4. Good Feeling - Doi-Oing
5. Night Walk - Kamasutra (Night Walk Version mix)
6. Why Naked - C Concept
7. Chica Boom - S Bam
8. Hack #1 - Think Tank
9. Shock the Beast - Electric Chocolate
10. Hold Me Back - WestBam
11. Gimme a Smile - Lost Tribe (The DeLorme vs Dharma Bums Mix)
12. Vertigo - Oval 5 Project (Doi-Oing vs Spooky Thumper Mix)
13. Joy & Kaya Remix) Love Nature - Hysteria (Joy & Kaya Remix
14. Psychedelic Solution - Dance 2 Trance
15. Humate Remix) Paraglide - Paragliders (Humate Remix
16. Sasha's MFI Mix) Nasty Rhythm - Creative Thieves (Sasha's M.F.I. Mix
17. Sweet Sensation - Shades of Rhythm
18. Let Me Hear You (Say Yeah) - PKA
19. Together - Smallage
20. Break of Dawn - Rhythm on the Loose
21. These Are My People - Members of the House (Rainbow Mix)

1. Atoms - Dark Globe/Boy George (Henrik Schwarz Dub remix)
2. Thugficker Instrumental remix) Like You - R3Mote (mix
3. Danny Bonnici Remix) Smoke - Trafik (Danny Bonnici Remix
4. Xtreme Control - Ashtrax
5. Nitro Fly - Pako & Frederik
6. Anil Chawla and Dale AndersonDale Anderson Remix) Saws and Sines - Stu Hirst (Anil Chawla and Dale Anderson Remix
7. Tangleray vs Musgrove Remix) Villain - Lostep (Tangleray vs Vance Musgrove Remix
8. Circus - Trafik
9. Moog Me - Markus Sch?ssow/Thomas Sagstad
10. Audioglider Remix) So Long - Sissy (Audioglider Remix
11. Robots - Kevin Swain

Artist - Various-Dance (click link for complete listing)
Title - GU Mixed (click link for more of the same title)
Year of Release - 2007
Format - 4-CD album set
Record Label - Global Underground
Catalogue No - GUMIX1CDX (click link for more)
Country of Origin - United Kingdom (UK)
Language - Regardless of country of origin all tracks are sung in English, unless otherwise stated in our description.
Additional info - Deleted, Sealed, Picture Sleeve
Barcode - 828272170135
Condition - Factory sealed from new. This item is unplayed. Click here for more info. Ref No - D.V4CGU620550

80's Pop.

Availability - In Stock - Buy Now for shipping today
Postage/Shipping Cost - Add item to your basket for a postage/shipping quote. For further delivery info click here
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To order by phone - Call (+44) 0147485010 Reference Number - D.V4CGU620550

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