Prince Act II + Ticket Stub UK Tour programme
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PRINCE Act II + Ticket Stub (Official 1993 UK 10" square 24 page tour programme with die-cut cover and matching pages, including an intact sheet of Prince and the New Power Generation facsimile autographed postcards. The cover has some lightwearotherwise remains in a really nice condition. Also included is a souvenir ticket stub from 31st July 1993 at Wembley Stadium)
Artist - Prince (click link for complete listing)
Title - Act II (click link for more of the same title)
Year of Release - 1993
Format - tour programme
Catalogue No - TOUR PROGRAMME (click link for more)
Country of Origin - United Kingdom (UK)
Language - Regardless of country of origin all tracks are sung in English, unless otherwise stated in our description.
Additional info - Deleted, Picture Sleeve
Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) - 5053201399836
Condition - This item is in Excellent condition or better (unless it says otherwise in the above description). We buy items as close to Mint condition as possible and many will be unplayed and as close to new as you could hope to find. Irrespective of the source, all of our collectables meet our strict grading and are 100% guaranteed. Click here for more info. Ref No - PRITRAC828484
Alternative Names - The Artist Formally Known As Prince.
Related Artists - Andre Cymone, Apollonia 6, Bob Belden, Breakneck, Brownmark, Carmen Electra, Carole Davis, Cat, Dez Dickerson, Doyle Bramhall II, Eric Leeds, Inaya Day, Ingrid Chavez, Jesse Johnson, Jill Jones, Madhouse, Margie Cox, Mayte, Morris Day, New Power Generation, Rosie Gaines, Sheila E, T C Ellis, Ta Mara And The Seen, Taja Sevelle, Tevin Campbell, The Family, The Space Cowboy, The Time, Tony LeMans, Vanity, Vanity 6, Wendy & Lisa.
80's Pop, 90's Pop, Male Solo.
Availability - In Stock - Buy Now for shipping today
Postage/Shipping Cost - Add item to your basket for a postage/shipping quote. For further delivery info click here
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To order by phone - Call (+44) 01474815010 Reference Number - PRITRAC828484
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Artist - Prince (click link for complete listing)
Title - Act II (click link for more of the same title)
Year of Release - 1993
Format - tour programme
Catalogue No - TOUR PROGRAMME (click link for more)
Country of Origin - United Kingdom (UK)
Language - Regardless of country of origin all tracks are sung in English, unless otherwise stated in our description.
Additional info - Deleted, Picture Sleeve
Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) - 5053201399836
Condition - This item is in Excellent condition or better (unless it says otherwise in the above description). We buy items as close to Mint condition as possible and many will be unplayed and as close to new as you could hope to find. Irrespective of the source, all of our collectables meet our strict grading and are 100% guaranteed. Click here for more info. Ref No - PRITRAC828484
Alternative Names - The Artist Formally Known As Prince.
Related Artists - Andre Cymone, Apollonia 6, Bob Belden, Breakneck, Brownmark, Carmen Electra, Carole Davis, Cat, Dez Dickerson, Doyle Bramhall II, Eric Leeds, Inaya Day, Ingrid Chavez, Jesse Johnson, Jill Jones, Madhouse, Margie Cox, Mayte, Morris Day, New Power Generation, Rosie Gaines, Sheila E, T C Ellis, Ta Mara And The Seen, Taja Sevelle, Tevin Campbell, The Family, The Space Cowboy, The Time, Tony LeMans, Vanity, Vanity 6, Wendy & Lisa.
80's Pop, 90's Pop, Male Solo.
Availability - In Stock - Buy Now for shipping today
Postage/Shipping Cost - Add item to your basket for a postage/shipping quote. For further delivery info click here
Email - to contact our sales team.
To order by phone - Call (+44) 01474815010 Reference Number - PRITRAC828484
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