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Ennio Morricone Cinema 70 Italian 2-CD album set

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ENNIO MORRICONE Cinema 70 (1999 Italian 24-track 2-CD compilation set, a masterclass in cinematic tension, underscoring & non-diegetic moods for the big screen, including rare gems from the Italian movies Citta Violenta, What Have You Done ToSolange?, Spasmo & many more. There can be only one Morricone!)

1-1 Città Violenta "Titoli" 2:23
1-2 Metello "Titoli Finali" 2:39
1-3 La Vita A Volte E' Molto Dura, Vero Provvidenza? "Titoli" 4:35
1-4 La Classe Operaia Va In Paradiso "Titoli" 5:20
1-5 Sacco E Vanzetti "Here's To You" 3:06
1-6 La Corta Notte Delle Bambole Di Vetro "Walzer" 2:16
1-7 Dove Vai In Vacanza? "Laringomania" 3:30
1-8 Cosa Avete Fatto A Solange? "Titoli" 2:35
1-9 Il Maestro E Margherita "L'Incontro" 3:53
1-19 Allonsanfan "Rabbia E Tarantella" 3:53
1-11 L'Ultimo Uomo Di Sara "Titoli" 4:28
1-12 Rappresaglia (Massacro A Roma) "Titoli" 2:31
2-1 La Proprietà Non E' Più Un Furto "Titoli" 2:33
2-2 Giordano Bruno "Titoli" 3:20
2-3 Spasmo "Bambole" 2:17
2-4 Spazio 1999 "Titoli 4:20
2-5 Gente Di Rispetto "Passeggiata A Rischio" 2:42
2-6 L'Umanoide "Estasi Stellare" 5:06
2-7 Il Giustiziere "Titoli" 4:45
2-8 Per Le Antiche Scale "Preludio" 3:26
2-9 Per Amore "Tornare E' Come Morire" 2:15
2-10 Milano Odia: La Polizia Non Può Sparare "Titoli" 2:22
2-11 Stato Interessante (L'Abortivendola) " E' Mejo De Morì Che Restà Qui" 4:00
2-12 Orient-Express "Le Train" 3:13

Artist - Ennio Morricone (click link for complete listing)
Title - Cinema 70 (click link for more of the same title)
Year of Release - 1999
Format - 2 CD album set (Double CD)
Record Label - BMG
Catalogue No - 743216540082 (click link for more)
Country of Origin - Italy
Language - Regardless of country of origin all tracks are sung in English, unless otherwise stated in our description.
Additional info - Deleted, Picture Sleeve
Barcode - 0743216540822
Condition - This item is in Excellent condition or better (unless it says otherwise in the above description). We buy items as close to Mint condition as possible and many will be unplayed and as close to new as you could hope to find. Irrespective of the source, all of our collectables meet our strict grading and are 100% guaranteed. Click here for more info. Ref No - ENM2CCI621664
Related Artists - Bruno Nicolai.

Film & TV.

Email - to contact our sales team. Reference Number - ENM2CCI621664

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