The Early Music Consort Of London Instruments Of The Middle Ages And Renaissance UK Vinyl box set
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LONDON Instruments Of The Middle Ages & Renaissance
(Stunning 1976 UK stereo double LP box set on the gold Angel
Series label, illustrating the principle types of Folk
instruments used in Europebefore 1600, complete with
fold-out booklet & a lavish ninety five page softback history
book with foreword by Andre Previn, all housed in a textured
picture box. The box shows a degree of edge scuffing with the
beginnings of splits to the topand bottom of the box but the
vinyl remains near 'as new' with few signs of play SLS988)
The Middle Ages: Woodwind
Shawn - 'Saltarello' 1:49
Reed Pipe - 'Shepherd's Tune' 0:56
Bagpipe Cylindrical Chanter - 'Saltarello' 1:12
Bagpipe Conical Chanter - Ballade "Dame Se Vous M'estes" 1:55
Bladder Pipes - Pastourelle "Au Tans D'aost" From The "Chansonnier Cangé" 1:04
Panpipes - Chanson À Refrain "A Prisai Qu'En Chantant Plour" From The "Chansonnier Cangé" 1:09
Transverse Flute - Minnesinger Melody "Owe Daz Nach Liebe Gat" 1:30
Six-holed Pipe - Chanson Pieuse "Dou Tres Douz Non" With Improvised Prelude And Postlude For Jew's Harp 1:15
Double Pipes - Virelai "Gracieusette" 1:15
Pipe & Tabor - Dansa "Ben Volgra, S'Esser Poges" 1:08
Recorder - English 'Te Deum' 1:49
Gemshorn - Chansonnette "Quant Je Voy Yver Retorner" 1:29
The Middle Ages: Keyboard
Portative Organ - Madrigal "Ay Schonsolato Ed Amoroso" 1:38
Positive Organ - "Estampie" From The "Robertsbridge Fragment" 2:17
Hurdy-Gurdy - Chanson "Joliveté Et Bone Amor" 1:35
Clavichord - "Ellend Du Hast" 2:08
The Middle Ages: Brass
Trumpet / Clarion - Fanfare "Untarn Slaf Tut Den Sumer Wol" 1:00
Trumpet / Buisine - Fanfare "Ad Modum Tubae" 1:14
Cowhorn - Ballade "De Moi Doloureus Vos Chant" 0:36
Mediaeval Cornett - "Das Nachthorn" 0:54
Slide Trumpet - Geisslerlied "Maria Muoter Reinû Maît" 0:54
Mediaeval Cornett, Slide Trumpet, Alto Shawn, Tabor - "Der Trumpet" 1:02
The Middle Ages: Strings
Harp (Metal Strung) - Lai "Qui Porroit Un Guierredon" (From The Chansonnier Cangé) 1:09
Harp (Gut Strung) - Dance Tune 0:59
Lyre - Goliard Melody "O Roma Nobilis" 0:41
Psaltery - Hymn To St. Magnus "Nobilis Humilis" 0:57
Dulcimer - Madrigal "Tanto Soavemente" 1:53
Lute - Madrigal "Di Novo É Giunto" 2:10
Mandora - Chanson "Amours Que Porra" 1:17
Long-necked Lute - "Aquel Que De Voontade" From The "Cantigas De Santa Maria" 1:12
Gittern - Virelai "Quant Je Sui Mis" 0:56
Citole - 'English Dance' 1:42
Rebec - 'La Septime Estampie Real' 1:13
Fiddle - Ballata "Poi Che Da Te Mi Convien" 1:21
Bowed Lyre - Virelai "Comment Qu'a Moy" 1:29
Tromba Marina - Improvised Fanfare: Motet "Quant Ie Le Voi - Bon Vin Doit - Cis Chans Veult Boire" From The "Roman De Fauvel" 1:00
The Renaissance: Woodwind
Shawn - Two Courantes From "Newe Teutsche Weltliche Gesänglein" 2:07
Curtal - Chanson "Ce Qui Souloit" 1:39
Rackett - "Caro Ortolano" From "Il Primo Libren Di Balli" 1:26
Crumhorn - "Padouana" From The "Banchetto Musicale" 2:04
Cornamuse - Bicinium "Le Cuer De Vous" From Georg Rhaw's "Bicinia Gallica Et Latina" 1:05
Kortholt - Bicinium "Mon Petit Cueur" From Georg Rhaw's "Bicinia Gallica Et Latina" 1:15
Rauschpfeife - "Three Bransles Doubles" From "Terpsichore" 1:29
Flute - Chanson "Amor Me Poingt" From Pierre Attaingnant's Second Book Of "Chansons Musicales" 1:18
Recorder 8' Consort - Chanson "Hellas! Amour" From Pierre Attaingnant's Second Book Of "Chansons Musicales" 2:12
Recorder 4' Consort - "The Fairie Round" From "Pavans, Galliards, Almains And Other Short Aeirs" 1:17
The Renaissance: Keyboard
Renaissance Organ - 'Entrada Réal' 2:13
Regal - Prelude "Ascensus Simplex" From The "Fundamentum Organisandi" 0:21
Regal - "Min Hertz Hat Sich Ser Gefröwet" From The "Buxheim Orgelbuch" 1:07
Harpsichord - "Toccata" From The "Naples MS" 1:53
Virginals - Variations On The "Romanesca" From The "Dublin Virginal Book" 2:28
Xylophone - "Ballo Francese" From "Il Primo Libro Di Balli" 0:57
The Renaissance: Brass
Trumpet (Unmuted) - "Toccata" From "Orfeo" In C Major 0:37
Trumpet (Muted) - "Toccata" From "Orfeo" In D Major 0:37
Sackbut (Solo) - "Adagio & Allegro" From The "Sonata For Trombone, 2 Violins And Continuo" 1:26
Sackbut (Consort) - "Lobt Gott Ihr Christen Alle Gleich" From "Musae Sionae IV" 1:24
Cornett - Canzona For "Due Canti" From "Canzoni Da Sonare" 3:00
Alto & Tenor Cornett - Bicinium "Amour Organ" From Georg Rhaw's "Bicinia Gallica Et Latina" 1:13
Serpent - Canzona Quarta For 'Basso Solo' From The "Canzoni Da Sonare" 2:15
The Renaissance: Strings
Lute - Orlando Sleepeth 1:36
Theorbo - 'A Fancy' 1:39
Mandora - "Ballo Anglese" From "Il Primo Libro Di Balli" 1:00
Cittern - "Galliarde For Cittern & Bass" From "The Cittharn Schoole" 2:12
Ceterone - "Toccata Prima" From The "Intavolatura Di Lute, Et Di Chitarrone" 1:36
Bandora - "Galliard" From The "Braye Bandora M.S." 0:45
Orpharion - Duet "Le Rossignol" From "Jane Pickering's Lute Book" 1:28
Vihuela - "Fantasia XI" From "El Maestro" 2:42
Guitar - 'Pavana' (Variations On The Romanesca) From The "Braye Lute Book" 1:26
Viol (Consort) - 'Fantasy In Four Parts' (Superius Part Reconstructed By Thurston Dart) 1:56
Viol Lyra - Duet "Forget Me Not" 1:15
Violin - 'La Volta' 1:27
Artist - The Early Music Consort Of London (click link for complete listing)
Title - Instruments Of The Middle Ages And Renaissance (click link for more of the same title)
Year of Release - 1976
Format - Vinyl Box Set
Record Label - His Master's Voice
Catalogue No - SLS988 (click link for more)
Country of Origin - United Kingdom (UK)
Language - Regardless of country of origin all tracks are sung in English, unless otherwise stated in our description.
Additional info - Deleted, Picture Sleeve
Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) - 5053199929015
Condition - This item is in Excellent condition or better (unless it says otherwise in the above description). We buy items as close to Mint condition as possible and many will be unplayed and as close to new as you could hope to find. Irrespective of the source, all of our collectables meet our strict grading and are 100% guaranteed. Click here for more info.
RareVinyl.com Ref No - EHRVXIN638481
Email - sales@rarevinyl.com to contact our sales team.
RareVinyl.com Reference Number - EHRVXIN638481
Got vinyl records, CDs or music memorabilia to sell? – Sell to us at our buying site https://vinyl-wanted.com
The Middle Ages: Woodwind
Shawn - 'Saltarello' 1:49
Reed Pipe - 'Shepherd's Tune' 0:56
Bagpipe Cylindrical Chanter - 'Saltarello' 1:12
Bagpipe Conical Chanter - Ballade "Dame Se Vous M'estes" 1:55
Bladder Pipes - Pastourelle "Au Tans D'aost" From The "Chansonnier Cangé" 1:04
Panpipes - Chanson À Refrain "A Prisai Qu'En Chantant Plour" From The "Chansonnier Cangé" 1:09
Transverse Flute - Minnesinger Melody "Owe Daz Nach Liebe Gat" 1:30
Six-holed Pipe - Chanson Pieuse "Dou Tres Douz Non" With Improvised Prelude And Postlude For Jew's Harp 1:15
Double Pipes - Virelai "Gracieusette" 1:15
Pipe & Tabor - Dansa "Ben Volgra, S'Esser Poges" 1:08
Recorder - English 'Te Deum' 1:49
Gemshorn - Chansonnette "Quant Je Voy Yver Retorner" 1:29
The Middle Ages: Keyboard
Portative Organ - Madrigal "Ay Schonsolato Ed Amoroso" 1:38
Positive Organ - "Estampie" From The "Robertsbridge Fragment" 2:17
Hurdy-Gurdy - Chanson "Joliveté Et Bone Amor" 1:35
Clavichord - "Ellend Du Hast" 2:08
The Middle Ages: Brass
Trumpet / Clarion - Fanfare "Untarn Slaf Tut Den Sumer Wol" 1:00
Trumpet / Buisine - Fanfare "Ad Modum Tubae" 1:14
Cowhorn - Ballade "De Moi Doloureus Vos Chant" 0:36
Mediaeval Cornett - "Das Nachthorn" 0:54
Slide Trumpet - Geisslerlied "Maria Muoter Reinû Maît" 0:54
Mediaeval Cornett, Slide Trumpet, Alto Shawn, Tabor - "Der Trumpet" 1:02
The Middle Ages: Strings
Harp (Metal Strung) - Lai "Qui Porroit Un Guierredon" (From The Chansonnier Cangé) 1:09
Harp (Gut Strung) - Dance Tune 0:59
Lyre - Goliard Melody "O Roma Nobilis" 0:41
Psaltery - Hymn To St. Magnus "Nobilis Humilis" 0:57
Dulcimer - Madrigal "Tanto Soavemente" 1:53
Lute - Madrigal "Di Novo É Giunto" 2:10
Mandora - Chanson "Amours Que Porra" 1:17
Long-necked Lute - "Aquel Que De Voontade" From The "Cantigas De Santa Maria" 1:12
Gittern - Virelai "Quant Je Sui Mis" 0:56
Citole - 'English Dance' 1:42
Rebec - 'La Septime Estampie Real' 1:13
Fiddle - Ballata "Poi Che Da Te Mi Convien" 1:21
Bowed Lyre - Virelai "Comment Qu'a Moy" 1:29
Tromba Marina - Improvised Fanfare: Motet "Quant Ie Le Voi - Bon Vin Doit - Cis Chans Veult Boire" From The "Roman De Fauvel" 1:00
The Renaissance: Woodwind
Shawn - Two Courantes From "Newe Teutsche Weltliche Gesänglein" 2:07
Curtal - Chanson "Ce Qui Souloit" 1:39
Rackett - "Caro Ortolano" From "Il Primo Libren Di Balli" 1:26
Crumhorn - "Padouana" From The "Banchetto Musicale" 2:04
Cornamuse - Bicinium "Le Cuer De Vous" From Georg Rhaw's "Bicinia Gallica Et Latina" 1:05
Kortholt - Bicinium "Mon Petit Cueur" From Georg Rhaw's "Bicinia Gallica Et Latina" 1:15
Rauschpfeife - "Three Bransles Doubles" From "Terpsichore" 1:29
Flute - Chanson "Amor Me Poingt" From Pierre Attaingnant's Second Book Of "Chansons Musicales" 1:18
Recorder 8' Consort - Chanson "Hellas! Amour" From Pierre Attaingnant's Second Book Of "Chansons Musicales" 2:12
Recorder 4' Consort - "The Fairie Round" From "Pavans, Galliards, Almains And Other Short Aeirs" 1:17
The Renaissance: Keyboard
Renaissance Organ - 'Entrada Réal' 2:13
Regal - Prelude "Ascensus Simplex" From The "Fundamentum Organisandi" 0:21
Regal - "Min Hertz Hat Sich Ser Gefröwet" From The "Buxheim Orgelbuch" 1:07
Harpsichord - "Toccata" From The "Naples MS" 1:53
Virginals - Variations On The "Romanesca" From The "Dublin Virginal Book" 2:28
Xylophone - "Ballo Francese" From "Il Primo Libro Di Balli" 0:57
The Renaissance: Brass
Trumpet (Unmuted) - "Toccata" From "Orfeo" In C Major 0:37
Trumpet (Muted) - "Toccata" From "Orfeo" In D Major 0:37
Sackbut (Solo) - "Adagio & Allegro" From The "Sonata For Trombone, 2 Violins And Continuo" 1:26
Sackbut (Consort) - "Lobt Gott Ihr Christen Alle Gleich" From "Musae Sionae IV" 1:24
Cornett - Canzona For "Due Canti" From "Canzoni Da Sonare" 3:00
Alto & Tenor Cornett - Bicinium "Amour Organ" From Georg Rhaw's "Bicinia Gallica Et Latina" 1:13
Serpent - Canzona Quarta For 'Basso Solo' From The "Canzoni Da Sonare" 2:15
The Renaissance: Strings
Lute - Orlando Sleepeth 1:36
Theorbo - 'A Fancy' 1:39
Mandora - "Ballo Anglese" From "Il Primo Libro Di Balli" 1:00
Cittern - "Galliarde For Cittern & Bass" From "The Cittharn Schoole" 2:12
Ceterone - "Toccata Prima" From The "Intavolatura Di Lute, Et Di Chitarrone" 1:36
Bandora - "Galliard" From The "Braye Bandora M.S." 0:45
Orpharion - Duet "Le Rossignol" From "Jane Pickering's Lute Book" 1:28
Vihuela - "Fantasia XI" From "El Maestro" 2:42
Guitar - 'Pavana' (Variations On The Romanesca) From The "Braye Lute Book" 1:26
Viol (Consort) - 'Fantasy In Four Parts' (Superius Part Reconstructed By Thurston Dart) 1:56
Viol Lyra - Duet "Forget Me Not" 1:15
Violin - 'La Volta' 1:27
Artist - The Early Music Consort Of London (click link for complete listing)
Title - Instruments Of The Middle Ages And Renaissance (click link for more of the same title)
Year of Release - 1976
Format - Vinyl Box Set
Record Label - His Master's Voice
Catalogue No - SLS988 (click link for more)
Country of Origin - United Kingdom (UK)
Language - Regardless of country of origin all tracks are sung in English, unless otherwise stated in our description.
Additional info - Deleted, Picture Sleeve
Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) - 5053199929015
Condition - This item is in Excellent condition or better (unless it says otherwise in the above description). We buy items as close to Mint condition as possible and many will be unplayed and as close to new as you could hope to find. Irrespective of the source, all of our collectables meet our strict grading and are 100% guaranteed. Click here for more info.
RareVinyl.com Ref No - EHRVXIN638481
Email - sales@rarevinyl.com to contact our sales team.
RareVinyl.com Reference Number - EHRVXIN638481
Got vinyl records, CDs or music memorabilia to sell? – Sell to us at our buying site https://vinyl-wanted.com